What Does It Mean to Be an Effective Teacher? - Mycodinghomework

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Being a teacher has always been challenging, but today’s world presents new requirements for this job. In this regard, the notion of teacher effectiveness came into focus. To my mind, an effective teacher gives his students profound knowledge, creates a positive classroom environment, and devotes effort to his professional development.

Some people claim that effectiveness should be underpinned by the results (Darling-Hammond 32). Teachers’ results may be interpreted through students’ achievements. If a teacher works effectively, his students perform well on the tests and at the competitions. Moreover, they enter prestigious universities trying to follow the same career path. So, an effective teacher provides his students with deep knowledge.

At the same time, such high results can be reached through continuous rote learning. Scientists claim that such a surface learning approach is mainly motivated by fear of failure (Jarvis 87). Therefore, an effective teacher produces a supportive atmosphere in the classroom, letting students feel comfortable, realize their potential, and stay motivated. 

Moreover, each teacher should follow the latest surveys to provide the students with the new data. Besides, such institutions as the American Association for Employment in Education (AAEE), the National Education Association (NEA) offer webinars on improving teaching methods as well as online tools for self-assessment (Reaser 236). Thus, an effective teacher is kept up-to-date on the recent research concerning his subject and tries to improve his teaching skills.

Summing up, a teacher should work hard to become and stay effective. There is no obvious way to improve the teacher’s effectiveness. In my opinion, it is gained through professional self-improvement, indicated with the welcoming classroom atmosphere and results in students’ solid knowledge.
